Case Studies
Five project samples. Covering copywriting, strategy, lead generation, Intellectual-Property creation and brand playbooks.
Project Samples
To give you an insight into what your project might look like, I’ve made five case study videos.
Each case study focuses on a different type of project. And as well as being examples of my work, you might find them useful for your own marketing. Feel free to copy any of the ideas you see here (but not the copy!).
Here are your five video walkthroughs…
Lead Generation
The problem my financial-consultant client faced was how to reach out to leads who were years away from using their service. The solution was a Top-of-Mind Nurturing Campaign.
Business Development and IP
This coaching client hired me to help her grow her business from a one-to-one to a one-to-many model.
We opened up an entirely new market, developed a lead generation pipeline to attract very high-quality leads, and designed and have begun creating a new range of one-to-many information products.
This is an excellent example of a business development project that leverages your IP.
Single-Page Service Site
The client faced traditional skepticism over the effectiveness of her online service (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). The solution was a single-service homepage using an approach called Chain of Beliefs.
Brand Messaging Playbook
Not every project is about writing a lot of copy. Sometimes it’s about creating the identity and core messaging behind your copy.
This client had three brands they wanted unified with a brand-messaging playbook they could use to create their own copy going forward. The key to doing that was in Voice of Client research.
Story-Powered Sales
(This email is from a time before I became a specialist for consultants and coaches but is a good example of the power of story.)
This client was selling bars of gold bullion. But when the only value bullion has is the market price, how do you persuade possible buyers that your gold is somehow more desirable than your competitors’?
The answer is to create new value with a story.