You’re in!

You’ve successfully subscribed to The Value Proposition and enrolled in The Six Levers of Client-Winning Marketing. Here’s what to expect…

Amy Posner
Dr Farley

Your first emails…

  • You’ll get an email asking you to confirm that you are subscribing and enrolling and that you are happy with how I’ll market to you and use your data.
  • Once you confirm, you’ll get your first Client-Winning course email with your first two lessons.
  • On the first Saturday after you subscribe, you’ll receive your first Value Proposition newsletter.

In case the page you signed up on didn’t have all the information on the course and newsletter, here’s a rundown on everything you’ll be getting…

Time to change how you see your marketing…

Six-Days To Better Clients

I want to transform how you attract and win clients.

I want to do it in just six days with six emails and eight micro-lessons.

And I’ll do it by sharing the most important ideas in client acquisition. Not only that, I’ll give you my own client pipeline plan that you can copy right away.

All you have to do is open one email a day for a week and watch the videos inside.

Sounds good?

Here’s what to expect over the six days…

  • How to dramatically increase the quality of your leads with just one word
  • Why leads, even when they know they need you, will never reach out – here’s what you need to do to change that
  • Why your service is not your offer (and what really is)
  • What every leads need to hear from you before signing
  • How to avoid to mistakes of Frankenstein marketing

And to tie it all together, I’m going to show you the simple client pipeline framework I use that you can adapt and use in your own business.

This will give you a huge advantage in attracting the very best-fit clients for your business and services. That’s what you can expect from Client-Winning Marketing

And once you have that in your picket, I’m going to really overdeliver on helping you get better clients…

Better Marketing. Weekly.

A business makes more money when it increases the value it delivers and charges accordingly. For about five minutes every week, I’m going to show you how to do that.

I’ll show you quick wins, new ways to think about old problems and share marketing ideas that will help you build your own client-winning system.

But I’m going to do a lot more than share marketing insights. I’m going to teach you everything I know about the most important skills in marketing – copywriting.

You’re going to discover Direct-Response/Conversion Copywriting, the gold standard of all copywriting. And it will make you a better writer every time you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard for any reason.

That’s the idea behind The Value Proposition

To make you a smarter marketer and a more confident and effective writer.

But The Value Proposition is significantly more than a weekly newsletter.

What I share is built directly on what you’ll learn in The Six Levers of Client Winning Marketing. Adding new layers and insights as well as actionable tips.

The Value Proposition is your free education, a complete course in everything you need to grow a robust and profitable business.

So, week by week, you’ll become more knowledgeable and more confident in your ability to run your marketing exactly how you want it to be run.

Here are some of the topics I write about regularly…

  • how to write great copy
  • how to get Google to recommend you to your best leads
  • how to make money from your competitors
  • the right ways to use paid traffic
  • AI tools to make your writing and marketing better
  • setting up your referral system
  • creating your first digital products
  • pricing strategies
  • how to test and validate offer ideas
  • how to eliminate client problems with better onboarding
  • in-project marketing (yup, that’s a thing)
  • hiring marketers/agencies
  • leveraging social media
  • how to design irresistible offers
  • building your own private marketplace
  • how to write high-impact emails

The Value Proposition is free and will be in your inbox every Saturday.

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